Top Ten: Tips for India

See all of my India posts HERE

  1. Tipping: you will be expected to tip everyone from bathroom attendants, rickshaw drivers, shoe handlers at temples & beggars…so always have a few rupees on hand wherever you go.
  2. Food: I adore Indian food and wanted to eat it all but as a precaution I steered clear of salads and anything that was not cooked and always went for bottled water…thus I did not get sick.
  3. Attire: as the majority of the population practice Hinduism & Islam it is respectful to dress more on the conservative side…depending on when you travel it can be hot but pashminas are everywhere and come in handy to wrap over your shoulders when visiting religious sights.
  4. Temples: as with attire you must remove your shoes at certain stops…but there will always be an attendant to tip. Also some are gender specific so make sure before you enter. *be ready to feel like a celebrity as you will be asked to be in many photos as a foreigner.
  5. Be Assertive: this is for everyone but especially the ladies…even when you say “no thank you” that is still engaging with a street vendor so just ignore if you are not interested…if it persists and stern “NO” with eye contact will usually do the trick.
  6. Splurge: India has some of the best hotels in the world…Oberoi has consistently been at the top of Travel & Leisure’s list for years.
  7. Visa: All US Citizens must obtain a Visa before traveling to India & with the new online option it is easier than ever.
  8. Taj Mahal: Avoid Friday: plan your trip accordingly as you maybe in Agra for only one day and it would be awful if you traveled all that way to see a seven wonder of the world and it was closed!
  9. Tiger Safari: as I mentioned in my Vanyavilas post seeing a Tiger in India is corrupt and hard work…I’ve sent many clients who were not as fortunate as I but if you are up to the challenge the experience is pretty exhilarating.
  10. Open Mind: this is how you should travel throughout the world but especially in a country that will overwhelm the senses.

    If you have any tips please share them in the comments below.
